Downloadable Claim Forms

(click individual icons to download)

The following are downloadable claim forms from a number of insurance and benefit companies that we deal with. Please consult our staff if you need to make other arrangements for billing.

Alberta Blue Cross
Green Shield Canada
Johnson Inc
Sunlife Financial
Great West Life
Claim Secure
For additional help with forms or other methods of payment; including direct billing of insurance, Government or other Benefit Plans, please talk directly with one of our staff who will be pleased to walk you through the process. Our goal is to make the form filling process simple. Be sure to contact your provider for updates on forms and medications covered.

Gail’s Apothecary & Compounding Pharmacy
#2, 425-13 Street North
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 2S3

403 329 4121

FAX 403 329-4126